WordPress tip 36

Problem Wordpress edit/insert link, target=”_blank” drop-down is not working. Solution Upgrade TinyMCE Advanced plugin.

WordPress tip 34

Turn indexing off. More hosting than WordPress, but all part of a new hosting/Wordpress installation.

WordPress tip 33

Dashboard/Settings/Discussion, turn off “Allow people to post comments on new articles”, unless you are running a blog and want people to be able to comment on posts (by default).

WordPress tip 32

Adding downloadable documents Login to your Dashboard, under “Dashboard”, click once on “Pages”, then once on the page title of the page you want to add a downloadable document, such as a pdf or Word doc file. In the editing box that contains your page content, place your cursor where you want to insert the […]

WordPress tip 31

Adding/editing pages | To add a new page Login to your Dashboard, under “Dashboard”, click once on “Pages”, then once on “Add new” button (near “Pages” title), put the title of the page where it says “Enter title here” (this is what will appear in your menu/navigation, so keep it brief). Put the content in […]