The gloves are off folks.
Do you KNOW what is going on in this world?
Housekeeping first:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights | Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
April 7th, 2022
Senator Malcolm Roberts hosted inquiry – 17 minute excerpt
COVID UNDER QUESTION is a cross-party inquiry into the Government’s response to COVID held on 23rd March 2022. COVID Under Question was hosted by Senator Malcolm Roberts and attended by MP Stephen Andrew (Mirani), MP George Christensen (Dawson), Senator Gerard Rennick (Queensland), Senator Alex Antic (South Australia) and MP Craig Kelly (Hughes).
Parliamentarians heard from a range of Doctors, experts, economists and everyday people about how the Government’s response to COVID has affected them and at times defied belief. The absurdity of Chief Health Officer dictates and power hungry politicians is all laid bare.
BitChute video:
January 25th, 2022
Covid-19: A Second Opinion Conference hosted by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson
A group of world renowned doctors and medical experts including Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Robert Malone and many others, provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, insight into the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.
A 30 minute highlight video of the full conference, held Monday, Jan. 24, 2022.
BitChute video:
January 4, 2022
What about Ivermectin, you should ask.
The “Australian Government” made it illegal for doctors to prescribe IVM in Australia. Initially, they changed the “use by date” (shelf life) of IVM from 6 months to 28 days to restrict its use, then they banned it because too many people became aware of it effectiveness. Looking after your health, or preventing effective treatments to force jabs and controls?
From a de-platformed, currently suspended Australian medical practitioner, previously known as Dr Mark Hobart.
I was without due process suspended as a doctor on 11/11/21 and now unable to provide medical advice. It is astounding to hear from so many colleagues and other doctors the increasing demand for the Ivermectin protocol. Ask yourself why have Australians been denied early stage treatment especially when this protocol recorded no deaths and had an excellent recovery rate under the supervision of a trusted doctor? Irresponsibly Ivermectin was banned by the TGA and Dept of Health on 10/9/2021. People are now being forced to acquire it by irregular means. It is insane that a safe oral drug which has been available for decades is now demonised. Ask yourself why? You’ll be interested to know I was one of 30 doctors who treated 600 patients over several months or so with no deaths, only 5 hospitalisations and no side effects. In contrast, there were 6 deaths and 70 hospitalisations in a similar group of untreated patients. Even though I cannot use my title anymore, I can share the protocol from one Aussie to another.
Treatment Protocol for someone who feels unwell. (also very effective to prevent and treat vaccine injuries) :
1. Ivermectin: 48mg day 1 (split the dose to 24mg twice a day) then 24 mg/day day 2-10 . Take ivermectin with fatty food which increases its bioavailability by 2.5X.
2. Doxycycline 100mg twice a day, day 1-10.
3. 1 × Zinc (25mg – 50mg, picolinate or sulphate effective) daily, day 1 – 10.
4. Also take Vitamin D 10,000 units per day and Vitamin C 2000mg per day.
Prophylaxis Protocol:
1. Ivermectin 24mg
2. Doxycycline 100mg and Zinc 50mg every 2 weeks.
3. Also take regular Vitamin D and Vitamin C
Close Contact Protocol
1. Ivermectin 24mg
2. Doxycycline 100mg
3. Zinc 50mg daily for 3 days.
Always remember to turn to a trusted doctor who can supervise you whilst you take the protocol.
If it works for Japan, India and El Salvador (as it has), why isn’t it widely available for Australians?”
The inexplicable suppression of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, Dr Peter McCullough
Follow Dr McCullough on Telegram @PeterMcCullough
This video is over an hour video but excellent information about previously available and now suppressed, safe and effective treatments. When they were suppressed and by whom.
There are currently over 73 studies done with Ivermectin
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 73 studies from
There are currently over 300 studies on treatment with HCQ
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 303 studies at
Podcast audio Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Vincent Giampapa.
A technical but understandable discussion on the spike proteins, the short through to long term effects of the injections. Critical points at 11-16min, 18-20min, 33-35min and 41-48minutes.
Visit the McCullogh Report, read more on this podcast at America Out Loud
January 6, 2022
“Emergency use”,”Emergency Authorisation” can ONLY mandate a experimental vaccine IF THERE ARE NO safe and effective TREATMENTS available. Hydroxychloroquine
December 25, 2021
Zoom meeting with Australian politicians, medical, legal and Dr Geert Vanden Bossche
This is part 1 of a 3 part series with Dr Geert, see also Dr Robert Malone (Pt 2), and Dr Zelenko (Pt 3)
BitChute video:
Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Tess Lawrie, Peter McCullough and Dr Brian Tyson.
Attended by four Australian Senators and three current House of Representatives members.
Another very valuable presentation.
BitChute video:
December 2, 2021
“Dr. Andreas Noack, a german chemist arrested in a police raid, “died suddenly” after sharing his findings
On November 18, 2020, well-known German chemist and one of the EU’s top graphene experts, Dr Andreas Noack was arrested by an armed police unit in the middle of his YouTube livestream.
On November 26th, 2021, just hours after publishing this latest video about graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide, he died suddenly.
In this video (below), he reveals that Dr Pablo Campra (article here dr-pablo-campra-on-graphene-weird-morgellons-like-elements-possible-microbiota-in-covid-vaccines/) from the University of Almeria had recently done a Micro-Raman spectroscopy study of the vaxxine and had discovered that the graphene detected in the vaxx was not graphene oxide (GO) but graphene hydroxide (GHO), which is an extremely stable molecule that is not biodegradable, so it basically stays in your system forever.
This is very bad news for vaxxine recipients, because he describes graphene hydroxide molecules as “the sharpest imaginable objects because they are only one atom layer thick…a huge molecule which is extremely sharp.”
In other words, the graphene hydroxide molecules in the vaxx behave like nano razors that cut the epithelial lining of recipients’ veins, which he believes is the cause of blood clots and the sudden deaths observed in so many top athletes, lately.
He believes it’s a case of “Russian Roulette”, where the syringe administering the intramuscular injection will inadvertently pierce a vein, allowing the GHO to enter the bloodstream, slicing up the epithelia in the blood vessels of hapless recipients.”
Full article:
BitChute video:
November 25, 2021
Adelaide nurse confirms hospitals are full of jab injuries not covid patients
20,000 nurses Australia wide haven’t left the industry, thrown away careers, gone into mortgage hell because they didn’t want to get vaccinated, they left because the NURSES KNOW the injections are NOT SAFE.
BitChute video:
November 17, 2021
Dr Judy Mikovitz
One of the true medical professionals speaking out, with excellent medical knowledge. Ignore at your own peril. Interviewed with Mikki Willis, producer of the Plandemic Series at the Health and Freedom Conference.
BitChute video:
November 13, 2021
Dr Peter McCullough
Zoom call with Voices for Freedom, condensed down from 1 hour 45 minutes to 30 minutes. Now, more than ever, we really need to open as many eyes as possible to what’s going on.
“As we sit here today, the vaccinated are, it appears, super spreaders. They are carrying large amounts of virus and then passing it to the unvaccinated, creating the delta pandemic”
BitChute video:
October 20, 2021
Craig Kelly MP interviews Dr Vladimir Zelenko
The world renowned Physician of Presidents, and nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko takes a BIG RISK by speaking out fearlessly about the devastating destruction the current vaccinations are causing worldwide. Before a Rabbinical court in Jerusalem he testified how millions may have died and possibly billions may lose their lives in the coming years. Dr. Zelenko helped make the Vaccine Death Report that shows all the scientific evidence for the shocking claims he is making in this video.
BitChute video:
September 21, 2021
Dr. Michael McDowell, excellent information
• the genetics bioweapons industry backdrop
• SARS-CoV-2 design and function
• follow science or money
• the global and local trends
BitChute video:
Project Veritas, HHS Whistleblower goes public with secretly recorded footage
BitChute video:
Vaccinated causing more cases than saving. LOOK at the numbers.
Verify at
Craig Kelly MP with Dr Brian Tyson, 18th August 2021.
BitChute video:
WHO/UN/Gates whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger
All done through contracts. Contracts between WHO/Gates with the medical authorities in each country. Do an FOI request to your authority (TGA in Australia) for the documents and/or contracts between them and Bill Gates/B&M Gates Foundation. Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich talks with other lawyers and medical professionals, including scientist Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger.
BitChute video:
UNFUNDED Doctors collaborating all around the world to expose the truth are being silenced. LISTEN to them.
Dr Roger Hodkinson, CEO & Medical Director – MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP
Dr Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, and has been the Company’s Medical Director for over 20 years. He received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK, and then became a Royal College certified pathologist in Canada (FRCPC) following a residency in Vancouver, BC.
Ignore at your own peril!
BitChute video:
MUST WATCH – Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon.
Dr. Michael Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert with 23 years in the pharmaceutical industry. He trained as a biochemist and pharmacologist, obtaining his PhD from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1988.
Joining Pfizer in 1995, he was responsible for the growth and portfolio delivery of the Allergy & Respiratory pipeline within the company. He was responsible for target selection and the progress into humans of new molecules, leading teams of up to 200 staff across all disciplines and won an Achievement Award for productivity in 2008.
Under his leadership the research unit invented oral and inhaled NCEs which delivered multiple positive clinical proofs of concept in asthma, allergic rhinitis and COPD. He led productive collaborations such as with Rigel Pharmaceuticals (SYK inhibitors) and was involved in the licensing of Spiriva and acquisition of the Meridica (inhaler device) company.
Dr. Yeadon has published over 40 original research articles and now consults and partners with a number of biotechnology companies. Before working with Apellis, Dr. Yeadon was VP and Chief Scientific Officer (Allergy & Respiratory Research) with Pfizer.
BitChute video:
But wait! There is a SAFE (in the true sense of the word), and EFFECTIVE (in the true sense of the word), and CHEAP TREATMENT for cv available.
You should be asking – why are “governments” (and their paid actors and agents) around the world suppressing an alternative to the jab? The following 2 videos are essential viewing.
The Case for Ivermectin in Australia – MP Craig Kelly
BitChute video:
Ivermectin, the SAFE and cheap, EFFECTIVE treatment for cv
BitChute video:
4th June 2021. Now we are well into the jab rollout, and medical professionals are working through ways to mitigate damage.
Dr. Lee Merritt – gives a big picture overview on why we don’t have clear answers.
Dr. Christiane Northrup – talks can you tell us a little bit about why people are using white pine needle tea, anise, fennel, and citrus rinds as a source of shikimic acid, a pathway responsible for the production of vitamins and certain amino acids.
Dr. Carrie Madje – explains what she is personally doing to avoid EMFs and to detox her system.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – tells why children and teens absolutely should NOT receive this injection and the approaches she personally is using to safeguard her health
Dr. Larry Palevsky – takes the discussion home with how we can move forward through these tumultuous times.
The 5 doctors speak out, now that the jab rollout is well underway.
BitChute video:
Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM is a PRO VACCINE professional. This man probably has more professional vaccine development, immunology and virology experience than ALL of the Australian “Health Ministers” and “Chief Medical Officers” COMBINED.
His CV includes:
GSK Biologicals:
Senior Project Leader Adolescent Vaccine Projects
New Biotech Vaccine Development and QC-QA Manager
Head of Adjuvant Technologies and Alternative Deliveries, R&D
Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics:
Director Research Program Leader and Head of Adjuvants
Solvay Biologicals:
Global Project Director Influenza Vaccines
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF):
Senior Program Officer, Global Health, Vaccine Discovery
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI):
Program Manager
Chief Innovation & Scientific Officer
German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF):
Head of Vaccine Development Office
Managing Director
He is now WARNING everyone to STOP THESE COVID 19 VACCINES otherwise there will be a GLOBAL CATASTROPHE – unmatched.
17.31 minutes to SAVE YOUR LIFE
BitChute video:
Open Letter to the WHO: Immediately Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccinations-Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM
“Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
To all authorities, scientists and experts around the world, to whom this concerns: the entre world population.
I am all but an antivaxxer. As a scientist I do not usually appeal to any platform of this kind to make a stand on vaccine-related topics. As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health, most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored.
The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19 pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough.
As stated, I am not against vaccination. On the contrary, I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists. However, this type of prophylactic vaccines are completely inappropriate, and even highly dangerous, when used in mass vaccination campaigns during a viral pandemic.
Vaccinologists, scientists and clinicians are blinded by the positive short-term effects in individual patents, but don’t seem to bother about the disastrous consequences for global health. Unless I am scientifically proven wrong, it is difficult to understand how current human interventions will prevent circulating variants from turning into a wild monster.
Racing against the clock, I am completing my scientific manuscript, the publication of which is, unfortunately, likely to come too late given the ever increasing threat from rapidly spreading, highly infectious variants. This is why I decided to already post a summary of my findings as well as my keynote speech at the recent Vaccine Summit in Ohio on LinkedIn.”
Read the entire open letter:
Dr Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Diplomate, American Board of Holistic Medicine, 2005
Cofounder, Women to Women in Yarmouth, Maine, 1985 – 1997
Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Vermont College of Medicine at Maine Medical Center, Portland, Maine, 1982 – 2001
Diplomate, American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1981 – Present
Private Practice Obstetrics & Gynecology, Portland and Yarmouth, Maine, 1979 – 2005
Clinical Instructor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Vermont College of Medicine, June 1979 – June 1982
Associate Clinical Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Tufts University School of Medicine, 1979 – 1980
Director of Resident’s Outpatient Obstetrics & Gynecology Clinic, St. Margaret’s Hospital Boston, Massachusetts, 1979 –1980
M.D., Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH, 1975
Professional Appointments
Alliance for Human Research Protection, Distinguished Advisory Board, 2019 – Present
Intact America, Board of Health Professionals 2010 – Present
A Woman’s Nation, Advisory Committee, 2009 – Present
Family Circle, Advisory Board, 2006 – 2009
Friends of the Birth Center, Advisory Board, 2007 – 2008
Heal Breast Cancer Foundation, Advisory Board, 2007 – 2010
Pilates Style, Advisory Board, 2006 – Present
Heartwings Foundation, Board of Trustees, 2004 – 2009
The Red Web Foundation, Advisory Board Member, 2004 – Present
American Holistic Health Association, Board of Advisors, 2003 – Present
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Advisory Board, 1994 – 2001
Natural Health Magazine, Advisory Board Member, 1986 – 2009
Professional Organizations
Proprioceptive Writing Center, Portland, Maine Board of Trustees, 1987-1989
American Holistic Medical Association
President, June 1986 – March 1988
Co-President with Bernie Siegel, M.D., March 1988 – March 1990
Secretary, June 1986 – March 1988
New England Trustee, June 1984 – June 1986
Trustee at Large, June 1982 – June 1984
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1981 – Present
Dr Christiane Northrup MUST WATCH video.
BitChute video:
Efficacy, how do they get 75-95% “efficacy”. Well, you should ask. The following screenshot is from the video below that, and is from the manufacturer’s data. The “efficacy” is calculated by the % of people who do NOT develop coronavirus symptoms within a period of time. What they don’t use in that calculation is the vs non “vaccinated”, of which is almost identical result. Both groups result in very similar results of people who develop symptoms of a coronavirus within a period of time. So how effective is an injection of untested, experimental GMO at preventing disease vs non injected? Virtually 0-5% MAYBE.
Watch just 5 minutes of this to probably save your life. Interview with Dr Richard Fleming, Phd, MD, JD, 13th April 2021.
BitChute video:
UNexiteer BitChute channel:
Only 4.38 minutes. If this doesn’t make you want to look into it further, look for the clinical trial results in HUMANS that tested for autoimmune responses to subsequent coronavirus contact. Good luck.
BitChute video:
UNexiteer BitChute channel:
Part 1 (only 27 minutes, please watch) source
Copy at Bitchute:
Part 2 (54 minutes) in response to the “Antivaxxer” bashing from msm after Pt 1 was launched.
Copy at BitChute:
Dr Sherr! Tenpenny explains the immediate and more importantly AFTER effects of the jab. Do your own research!! It’s there if you want to KNOW.
BitChute video:
UNexiteer BitChute channel:
Did you ever wonder why the “government” never promote any treatments, good food or exercise, sunshine, anything that would treat or prevent symptoms of cv and build natural immunity?
They banned HCQ, made it illegal for MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS to prescribe, even though it has been PROVEN to SAVE lives.
Another readily available, safe and cheap treatment is available… do you hear about it from the “government” or the “Chief Medical Officer”?
Look forward to June, July, August 2021.
Covid-21, a “new deadly virus” will start killing millions of people. Mainstream media will be flooding the airwaves with deadly virus AND the hospitals WILL be overrun, people WILL be dying from a coronavirus… but they will be, in the beginning, ALL cv19 jabbed people. They will be dying from Autoimmune disease once they come into contact with any run of the mill coronavirus. Their natural immunity system has been re-engineered by the injected “immunity” and their body will die from the internal war.
The patents of cv and cv testing and detection
Your voice
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We’ll get back to “Emergency Use” shortly, but first, watch this.
Aluminium nanoparticles used as delivery agents in vacc!ines.
This video had to be recorded by a phone as it has been blocked and banned from all platforms.
The PCR test
Preamble by Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test.
Medical professionals on masks
Americas Frontline Doctors Alliance on masks
Phds, Professors talk about the “vacc!ne”
Professor Dolores Cah!ll explains how the mRNA gene therapy interacts with the body’s own immune system, and how your body may attack you from within. UNTESTED, EXPERIMENTAL gene therapies, not “vacc!nes”. Read, research, LEARN for your kid’s futures.
“Among people over 80, maybe about 2.5% will experience severe side effects, adverse events where people cannot work or live life normally.
Then with the 2nd vaccination it could be 1 in 10 or ten percent. For the over 80-year-olds, I would think that 80% of them would have life-limiting reactions or die when they come across the messenger RNA again.
For others (not elderly) it could be half of the people who could be severely harmed.
What it does is… this gene therapy or medical device is setting up an autoimmune disease chronically. It’s like injecting people who have nut allergies with peanuts.”
OK, so where are the test results to disprove this you should ask. There aren’t any. The VAERS data supports the quotation above by Professor Cah!ll.
- The initial vacc!ne trials were conducted on 100% healthy, mostly under 70yrs, specifically NOT on aged, frail, or any candidate with a pre-existing condition causing low immunity.
- The “trial” is being rolled out as they vacc!nate the population. Living guinea pigs.
- The most adversely affected by the vaccines to date ARE the aged, frail and those with pre-existing conditions. Dying, life threatening and serious adverse reactions.
- The most “at risk” of “cv19” are the aged, frail and those with pre-existing conditions.
Download the latest data file, or view the data online from the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Select “Download VAERS data” from the option at the bottom of the page.
A FOI request has been made for the comprehensive clinical trial results, including the exclusion criteria (those who could not participate in the trials), and a full ingredients list (including nanoparticle delivery agents). Still waiting, weeks later. See below for published ingredients list “This product contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs). ”
Dead, deaf, blind, incapacitated, but not on the “news”.
Deaths by vacc!ne that you will NOT hear about on the “news”. From the CDC adverse reactions register.
The following video shows dozens, possibly hundreds of deaths listed on the Vacc!ines Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Anyone can download the data file and look for yourself. Data file downloaded 3rd February showed data from 1st January up to 22nd January 2021, can be saved as Excel spreadsheet.
Download the data file, or view the data online from
The CovidBlog
Read about the latest deaths
And more from around the world:
Do you know anyone in Israel? Call them. Ask them how things are.
The audio above is from Israel. If you think it won’t be coming here, you are a fool. The “Australian Government” is “considering” digital passports. “Considering” = legislation already written.
You can refuse
Lets look at the Laws
Biosecurity Act 2015 – explanation by lawyer Serene Teffaha
Please wake up, take a couple of hours to research for yourself.
**** IMPORTANT ****
Pursuant to the Biosecurity Act 2015Federal Register of Legislation |
Section 477(6) provides:“(6) A determination made under subsection (1) must not require an individual to be subject to a biosecurity measure of a kind set out in Subdivision B of Division 3 of Part 3 of Chapter 2.Note: Subdivision B of Division 3 of Part 3 of Chapter 2 sets out the biosecurity measures that may be included in a human biosecurity control order.”The emergency requirements are qualified and restricted by the significant fact that emergency requirements and directions cannot request an individual to be isolated, detained, tested, vaccinated, medically treated or bodily searched, wear a mask (amongst other actions) in the absence of a biosecurity control order issued to the individual.These measures are referred to as biosecurity measures and are captured under Subdivision B of Division 3 of Part 3 of Chapter 2 of the Biosecurity Act 2015.Section 60 provides:“Imposing a human biosecurity control order on an individual(1) The following officers may impose a human biosecurity control order on an individual:(a) a chief human biosecurity officer;(b) a human biosecurity officer;(c) a biosecurity officer.Note 1: An officer who intends to impose a human biosecurity control order on an individual has certain powers under sections 68 and 69.Note 2: Before imposing a human biosecurity control order, an officer must be satisfied of the matters referred to in section 34 (the principles).Note 3: The Director of Human Biosecurity must be notified of the imposition of a human biosecurity control order (see section 67).”
Pursuant to the Biosecurity Act 2015, all biosecurity security measures involving matters of quarantine including isolation, detention (including crossborder and returning travelers), treatment, vaccinations, obtaining bodily samples through testing and examinations, contact tracing and wearing clothing and equipment must not be required on any Australian resident without a proper assessment of their individual risk by an authorised biosecurity officer.Screenshots of some relevant sections of the Biosecurity Act 2015
For business owners
What legal notification were you served with to give you authority to impose Biosecurity orders on your customers?
Requiring the use of COVIDSafe
(1) A person commits an offence if the person requires another person to:
(a) download COVIDSafe to a communication device; or
(b) have COVIDSafe in operation on a communication device; or
(c) consent to uploading COVID app data from a communication device to the National COVIDSafe Data Store.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years or 300 penalty units, or both.
(2) A person commits an offence if the person:
(a) refuses to enter into, or continue, a contract or arrangement with another person (including a contract of employment); or
(b) takes adverse action (within the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009 ) against another person; or
(c) refuses to allow another person to enter:
(i) premises that are otherwise accessible to the public; or
(ii) premises that the other person has a right to enter; or
(d) refuses to allow another person to participate in an activity; or
(e) refuses to receive goods or services from another person, or insists on providing less monetary consideration for the goods or services; or
(f) refuses to provide goods or services to another person, or insists on receiving more monetary consideration for the goods or services;
on the ground that, or on grounds that include the ground that, the other person:
(g) has not downloaded COVIDSafe to a communication device; or
(h) does not have COVIDSafe in operation on a communication device; or
(i) has not consented to uploading COVID app data from a communication device to the National COVIDSafe Data Store.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years or 300 penalty units, or both.
(3) To avoid doubt:
(a) subsection (2) is a workplace law for the purposes of the Fair Work Act 2009 ; and
(b) the benefit that the other person derives because of an obligation of the person under subsection (2) is a workplace right within the meaning of Part 3-1 of that Act.”
Recognition and equality before the law
(1) Every person has the right to recognition as a person before the law.
(2) Every person has the right to enjoy his or her human rights without discrimination.
(3) Every person is equal before the law and is entitled to the equal protection of the law without discrimination and has the right to equal and effective protection against discrimination.
(4) Measures taken for the purpose of assisting or advancing persons or groups of persons disadvantaged because of discrimination do not constitute discrimination.”
**** IMPORTANT ****
mRNA “vacc!ines”
Is the proposed “vacc!ne” really a vacc!ne… or gene therapy? Irreversible DNA changing, experimental, untested, and does not provide immunisation against any disease. From the Oxford definition of vacc!ine “and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease”. Long term effects tested? No. Published comprehensive trial results of the miniscule samples of 100% healthy candidates? Not even that, not even (so far) via a FOI from the TGA. Zilch.
Would the population be receptive to an “investigational” and untested “medicine” by choice?
From the Moderna website (including the image above):
Our mRNA Medicines – The ‘Software of Life’
When we have a concept for a new mRNA medicine and begin research, fundamental components are already in place.Generally, the only thing that changes from one potential mRNA medicine to another is the coding region – the actual genetic code that instructs ribosomes to make protein. Utilizing these instruction sets gives our investigational mRNA medicines a software-like quality. We also have the ability to combine different mRNA sequences encoding for different proteins in a single mRNA investigational medicine.
We are leveraging the flexibility afforded by our platform and the fundamental role mRNA plays in protein synthesis to pursue mRNA medicines for a broad spectrum of diseases.
Let’s look at the AstraZeneca jab:
[Video″ removed from Rumble]
From the UK gov website on the AZ shot, information for health professionals:
1. Name of the medicinal product
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, solution for injection in multidose container
COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1 S [recombinant])
2. Qualitative and quantitative composition
One dose (0.5 ml) contains:
COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S* recombinant) 5 × 10^10 viral particles (vp)
*Recombinant, replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus vector encoding the SARS CoV 2 Spike (S) glycoprotein. Produced in genetically modified human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells.
This product contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.
4.6 Fertility, pregnancy and lactation
There is a limited experience with the use of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca in pregnant women.
Preliminary animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy, embryofetal development, parturition or post natal development; definitive animal studies have not been completed yet. The full relevance of animal studies to human risk with vaccines for COVID-19 remains to be established.
Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca in pregnancy should only be considered when the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks for the mother and fetus.
It is unknown whether COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca is excreted in human milk.
Preliminary animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to fertility.
Now, the same information is available from the Australian regulator TGA, but the section on fertility, from the TGA publicly available documents, reads:
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca
(ChAdOx1-S) solution for injection
ChAdOx1-S (provisional ABN)
Each multi-dose vial contains 5×1011 viral particles (vp) of (ChAdOx1-S a, b) in 5 mL.
One dose (0.5mL) contains 5×1010 vp of (ChAdOx1-Sa, b).
a Recombinant, replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus vector encoding the SARS-CoV-2 Spike (S) glycoprotein (GP)
b The vaccine is manufactured using material originally sourced from a human embryo (Human Embryonic Kidney cells: HEK293)
This product contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
For the full list of excipients, see Section 6.1List of excipients.
Effects on fertility
It is unknown whether COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca may impact fertility. No data are available.
Use in pregnancy –Category B2
There are a limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca in pregnant women, or women who became pregnant after receiving the vaccine. The data are insufficient to inform on vaccine associated risk.
Download or view the documentation from:
“The UK Govt Admits That COVID Injections Are Basically Pointless Since They Offer No Protection Against Reinfection”
“Oppression knows no bounds: endless masking, lock downs and vaccines
The man behind the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci, echoed Hancock, warning every vaccine recipient to continue masking up even after the second dose. He even said that two masks are better than one and recommends double masking, even after double vaccination.
Hancock said the first vaccine doesn’t protect anyone. He said it takes three weeks and a second dose before the body learns how to build immunity to coronavirus spike proteins.
But he said masks will be required even after the second dose because “we still don’t know whether you will be able to pass coronavirus on to someone else,” he said.
The UK government is essentially admitting that covid-19 vaccines are pointless and offer zero protection.
If a person can still get sick with covid-19 after vaccination and spread live viral particles through their sputum and aerosols, then the vaccines do not work.”
Full article:
Where did all this start?
Thanks to UNESCO (one of the organisations created by the unelected, self appointed, unaccountable, foreign corporation called the “Un!ted Nat!ons”), our Constitution stopped being taught in schools in the ’70’s. Why? Because they didn’t want future generations to know how they were being SCREWED.
From the Australian Constitution, the Supreme law of this land:
Section 51 (xxiiiA) the provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions, child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family allowances;
Section 92. Trade within the Commonwealth to be free. On the imposition of uniform duties of customs, trade, commerce, and intercourse among the States, whether by means of internal carriage or ocean navigation, shall be absolutely free.
Section 109. Inconsistency of Laws. When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid.
Section 116. Commonwealth not to legislate in respect religion. The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.
The corporation “Australian Government” started trading on 1st July 1973. They effectively mothballed the true Government of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Through the UNIDROIT agreement, our system of law was changed from a system of Common Law and justice, to a system of private contract law, a system of administration. The “Australian Government” are administrators.
Large scale changes to all laws were made to remove references to the Commonwealth and states and territories of the Commonwealth (Statute Law Revision Act 1973 No. 216 of 1973
sample from that document:
Section 25—
Omit from paragraph (1)(b) “of the Commonwealth”.
Omit from sub-section (3) “of the Commonwealth”.
Omit from sub-section (4) “of the Commonwealth”.
Omit from sub-section (5) “of the Commonwealth”.
Omit from sub-section (6) “of the Commonwealth”.
Omit from sub-section (7) “of the Commonwealth”.
Omit from sub-section (9) “of the Commonwealth”.
Section 26—
Omit from paragraph (1)(c) “of the Commonwealth” (wherever occurring).
Omit from paragraph (2)(d) “of the Commonwealth” (wherever occurring).
Section 28—
Omit from paragraph (3)(b) “of the Commonwealth”.
Omit from sub-section (6) “of the Commonwealth”.
While looking for the above I also found STATUTE LAW REVISION ACT 1974 No. 20 of 1974
End of lesson 1.
The rest is up to you, start researching. A good start would be the Agenda21 agreement. The “Australian Government” signed Australia up to Agenda21 in 1992.
The Lima Agreement of 1975 was designed to destroy the Australian manufacturing industries and move them to “poor” nations ie China.
The United Nations (a foreign, self appointed, unelected corporation) are within our Parliaments officially, to ensure THEIR goals are met, not Australia’s or Australian’s. and check out the gem titled “Bringing the UN into Victorian Communities”
Some light reading for lesson 2 (from
- The Latest VAERS Data Show Vaccine Injury Trends Continue – 56,869 adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 2,342 deaths and 7,971 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 1, 2021
- More Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Clinics Hit Pause — 18 People Suffer Reactions at an NC Site and 4 Hospitalized
- A Woman Documents Severe J&J Covid Vaccine Side Effects in Live Stream
- A Previously Healthy Teenager Is Diagnosed With Guillain-Barré Weeks After First COVID Vaccine
- Oxford University PAUSES trials AstraZeneca Covid vaccine trials in children amid fears about blood clots in young people
- 246 Vaccinated Michigan Residents Diagnosed With COVID, 3 Dead, State Health Dept. Confirms
- 40-year old teacher in good health gets COVID vaccination and dies 4 days later of ‘natural causes’
- A Man’s skin ‘peeled off’ in rare reaction to Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine
- Canada Does An About-Face on AstraZeneca Vaccine, Citing Blood Clot Concern and Similar Problems in Europe
- From Europe: 3,964 People Have Died from Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” Plus 162,610 Injuries
- A 68-Year-Old Woman Died After Receiving A COVID-19 Vaccine, According To Her Family
- “SPIKE PROTEIN” – Newer research papers directly attribute [damage}…to the unique SARS-CoV-2 ” SPIKE PROTEIN ”
- Scientist to FDA: You Are Ignoring ‘Clear and Present Danger’ Associated With COVID Vaccine
- New Research Points to Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots
- Denmark Reports Two Cases of Serious Illness, Including One Death, After Receiving an AstraZeneca Vaccine Injection
- A Danish Woman Who Died From Blood Clot After AstraZeneca Shot Had ‘Unusual Symptoms’
- Germany, France, and Italy Suspend Use of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine
- 3 Hospitalized with ‘Unusual Symptoms’ After Taking the Newest Single-Dose AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
- BOMBSHELL: The Moderna Chief Medical Officer Admits MRNA Alters DNA
- Boxing Great Marvin Hagler Dies On Saturday After Taking COVID Vaccine
- The Biggest COVID-19 Vaccine Skeptics Are Frontline Health Care Workers
- Reports of Deaths After Taking COVID Vaccines Are Up by 259 in 1 Week, CDC Data Show
- A 28-Year-Old Physical Therapist Dies Two Days After Taking COVID Vaccine – Her Cause of Death is Unknown
- A Healthy 39-Year-Old Mother Dies After 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaccine On February 1
- Denmark and Norway have suspended AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine over concerns about blood clots
- The CDC Study Finds 78% Of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Were People Overweight Or Obese
- How Safe Are The COVID Vaccines? – CDC warns of “most commonly reported side effects,” not the most serious ones
- The Eli Lilly antibody therapy is effective at cutting COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths
- UK: 35 people deaf and 25 blind after taking mRNA vaccine shots
- Report: Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Killed 40 Times More Old People Than The Virus Itself Would Have
- Austria Suspends Use of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Batch After Death
- CDC Adverse Incident Reports Show 966 Deaths Following Vaccination for COVID-19 = 5% Resulted in Death
- Ben Stein Issues WARNING: Suffers Severe Side Effects from COVID Vaccine DAYS AFTER Getting Shot
- Church Leaders Tell Catholics to Steer Clear from Johnson & Johnson Vaccine that was Produced Using Cell Lines from Aborted Baby Parts
- A ‘Healthy’ 28-year-old mom dies suddenly following her second Pfizer shot
- You Can Go Back To Ignoring the CDC’s Impractically Cautious Guidance
- Death rates from coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States as of March 1, 2021, by state (per 100,000 people)
- Most Small Businesses Are Not Requiring COVID-19 Tests or Vaccines for Employees
- Updates on The CCP Virus: Texas and Some Other States Are Easing Virus Rules
- Support for Covid-19 Vaccine Passports Grows, With European, Chinese Backing – U.S. holds back for now amid ethical and practical concerns
- Investigation links Fauci to controversial experiments that may have led to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
- 3 Dozen Cases of Spontaneous Miscarriages and Stillbirths Occurring After COVID-19 Vaccination
- Jamaican sprinter Yohan Blake would ‘rather miss Tokyo Olympics than get the Covid-19 vaccine’
- Moderna posts a 13-fold revenue increase thanks to the COVID vaccine
- The US Dr. Ralph Baric Was Reviewing Moderna and Fauci’s Covid Vaccine in December 2019! — What’s Going On?
- Time to dial back the universal vaccine mania – Which could adversely impact our lungs and immune system
- Contrary to media reports, COVID-19 vaccines have caused a paralyzing facial condition
- What you need to know about the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine – It uses a harmless virus to act as a Trojan horse instead of synthesized mRNA – This needs to be verified!
- Why do they want us all vaccinated? – The vaccines are experimental and we are being herded into a mass drug trial such as the FDA has never before attempted
- National Cancer Institute Study: Recovering from COVID Provides Roughly as Much Immunity as Receiving the Vaccine
- Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under a EUA
- We Have Another Fauci Reversal…This Time on the COVID Vaccine
- Proven Covid Therapies Versus The New Covid Vaccines: Who Actually Benefits?
- One-Third of Troops Are Turning Down The CCP Virus Vaccine: Pentagon
- Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Expresses Concern About COVID-19 Vaccines in Leaked Footage
- A Doctor’s View About the New mRNA Vaccines
- 653 Deaths + 12,044 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show
- COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
- Deaths of Elderly Who Recovered From COVID-19, but Died After Getting The Vaccine Are Raise Questions
- Updates on CCP Virus: One-Third of US Adults Skeptical of Vaccine, Poll Shows
- A California OC Man Tests Positive For COVID-19 Weeks After Getting His Second Vaccine Dose
- COVID-19 vaccines: What you need to know about side effects and risks
- People Who Recovered From COVID-19 Should Receive Only 1 Dose of Vaccine: Study
- A brief history of vaccine screw-ups – I’m eligible for the vaccine but am not lining up for the “jab”
- Why Are So Many Health-Care Workers Resisting the COVID Vaccine? – About a third are don’t want it yet
- Dr. Simone Gold Blows The Lid Off The COVID Lie and Sounds The Alarm About the Vaccines!
- Some Health-Care Workers Are Still Saying No to a Covid-19 Vaccine – Officials are concerned because of their influence
- Frontline Doctors: Experimental vaccines are ‘not safer’ than COVID-19
- 14 Questions about COVID Vaccines – The promised way back to “normal” was a vaccine. “They” obviously lied!
- Merck Stops Development of COVID Vaccine: “Studies Showed People Better Off Catching Virus And Recovering!”
- REGARDING COVID: If they haven’t isolated the virus, how can they make a vaccine? – Short Answer, They Can’t!
- A person in California died just hours after getting the COVID-19 vaccine, prompting a probe
- Hank Aaron Dead at 86, Two Weeks After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine; Health Officials Reiterate Vaccine’s Safety
- So Far 55 People Died in the US After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines
- 40% of L.A. Firefighters Decline to Show Up for Coronavirus Vaccine
- Stephen Malthouse MD — Coronavirus Vaccine “very, very likely to cause harm”
- The suspicious link between population control advocates and COVID vaccines
- Johns Hopkins scientist: ‘It’s A medical certainty’ Pfizer vaccine caused the death of a Florida doctor
- Healthy Miami doctor, 56, died of a blood disorder 16 days after getting Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine
- Shifting Goalposts – COVID Deaths versus Vaccine Deaths
- A Surprising Number of Health Care Workers Are Choosing Not to Receive COVID Vaccine
- Hundreds of Israelis get infected with Covid 19 after receiving PfizerBioNTech vaccine reports
- A doctor reportedly has a severe allergic reaction to the Moderna COVID vaccine
- The COVID Vaccines Have Arrived — Along With More Answers and More Questions
- COVID Vaccines, A Deeper Dive into the Data – Some Excellent Questions Are Raised Here
- Were COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers Covered Up Prior to FDA Authorization?
- Thousands Negatively Affected After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine
- The CDC Is Tracking Severe Allergic Reactions to New COVID Vaccine
- The CDC Issues New Guidelines for the COVID Vaccine Following Reports of Allergic Reactions
- You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either
- PR DISASTER: Nurse Faints 17 Minutes After Getting COVID Vaccine on Live TV
- Health Care Worker Hospitalized with Serious Allergic Reaction to Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine
- The COVID Vaccine’s Free-Rider Problem – What happens if people avoid getting vaccinated?
- Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine: Side effects included injection-site pain, fatigue, headache, chills, and joint and muscle pain
- Experts Issue COVID Vaccine Warning to Allergy Sufferers
- The Dark Truth About the COVID Vaccine That Even Fauci Admits
- A Renowned scientist tells Laura Ingraham the COVID-19 vaccine is ‘downright dangerous’ and will send you ‘to your doom’
- YouTube confirms it will ban all videos questioning the “official” vaccine narrative promoted by the WHO and vaccine companies
- Poll: Only 50% of the public is willing to get a COVID-19 vaccine
- The FDA Commissioner Says He Is Willing To Fast-Track The COVID-19 Vaccine
- Charts: A Third Of Americans Unwilling To Get Covid-19 Vaccine
- The race to distribute vaccine is in danger without winning the public’s trust, researchers say
- Gallup Poll: One-Third of Americans Would Not Get a Coronavirus Vaccine
- The Feds and Yale Are Holding Clinical Trials on How Best to Persuade Americans to Take Fauci-Gates COVID-19 Vaccines
- Could Remdesivir eliminate the need for a coronavirus vaccine?
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Bombshell — Bill Gates’ Coronavirus Vaccine Will Pay BILLIONS in Profits to Dr. Fauci’s Agency
- Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan – Cites Gates’ Twisted ‘Messiah Complex’
- Coronavirus vaccine entering human trials after receiving FDA approval
- Bill Gates: The Best Investment I’ve Ever Made
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