Subscribe to my weekly Zoom meetings to learn about moving out of the Public and into the Private.
To date, documents have been successful in several matters. $3/month is all it will cost you, cancel at any time.

Matters dealt with, done and dusted
Fines, infringements.

Matters in progress, no rebuttal, no action (over 100 days @ 27.01.2023)
Council rates, council authority of any description.

Matters in progress (documents done), not yet “tested” on the roads of the Commonwealth
DL and vehicle registration.

Matters yet to be initiated
Revoke voter registration
Revoke Birth Death and Marriages  Birth Certificate
Revoke signatories to any and all remaining agencies using the Birth Certificate NAME.

For entertainment purposes only, come along and join in the conversation!
Zoom link will be sent to all subscribers by email. Meetings 4pm Perth, Western Australia time.

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