Insert a Google map

First go to your Google map in google. Choose the “link” icon (usually near the “Get Directions” or “Print” option). Copy the code under “Paste HTML to embed in website”.

In any Redback Graphics installed CMS website, login to your Dashboard, go to the page you want to insert the google map, make sure you are in the “text” or “html” tab/view, position the cursor where you want the map, and insert/paste that code. The code must be exact and complete. You can alter the size and dimensions there, or modify the size in google maps then copy revised code.

Save your page and it’s done.

The code that was inserted for the map below (straight from the Google maps page), is:

<iframe width=”425″ height=”350″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ src=”;source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=corner+dias+pass+and+darwin+terrace+dudley+park&amp;sll=-32.555947,115.73631&amp;sspn=0.00756,0.013776&amp;gl=au&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=Darwin+Terrace+%26+Dias+Pass,+Dudley+Park+Western+Australia+6210&amp;ll=-32.555947,115.73631&amp;spn=0.007524,0.013776&amp;t=m&amp;z=14&amp;output=embed”></iframe><br /><small><a href=”;source=embed&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=corner+dias+pass+and+darwin+terrace+dudley+park&amp;sll=-32.555947,115.73631&amp;sspn=0.00756,0.013776&amp;gl=au&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=Darwin+Terrace+%26+Dias+Pass,+Dudley+Park+Western+Australia+6210&amp;ll=-32.555947,115.73631&amp;spn=0.007524,0.013776&amp;t=m&amp;z=14″ style=”color:#0000FF;text-align:left”>View Larger Map</a></small>

And the resulting map is displayed:

View Larger Map

Posted by Redback Graphics