CorelDraw X4/X5

Some tips and tricks. Some tips will apply to all or most versions of CorelDraw, some may even apply to any Windows based programs.

Hot Keys
F2 Zoom in
F3 Zoom out
F4 Zoom to see everything on desktop
F8 Text tool
F12 Outline tool
L Align Left
R Align Right
C Align Centre
P Align to centre of Page
CTRL+S Save (use often!)
CTRL+P Print
CTRL+R Repeat last task
CTRL+C Copy to clipboard
CTRL+V Paste from clipboard
CTRL+W Refresh screen
CTRL+Shift+Z Undo the undo
Shift+F9 Wireframe view
Arrows Nudge objects
Right Click Make duplicate while moving an object
CTRL Restrain movement
Space Bar Switch to last Tool used or Pick Tool
F9 Fullscreen view
TAB Cycle through objects on page
+ Make duplicate

Posted by Redback Graphics