Purchase a Website Template Theme

Please call if you have any questions about installation of either a Theme only, or complete hosting plus Theme installation.

Theme only requires that you already have WordPress installed (current version, v3.2.1 or better). It is highly recommended that all existing widget areas are placed in your Inactive Widgets section while installing the new theme, then they can be placed in your preferred position after the Theme is installed. Content in your existing Sidebars and Widget areas should be saved before installing any new Theme (Redback Graphics Theme or otherwise). As always, make sure you have a Backup of your site before installing any new Themes or doing any upgrading etc.

If the new Theme has a header section (image/logo area at top of page that often rotates through 3-5 images), Redback Graphics Theme prices include one set of 3 header images (if your Theme has header images). Either provide your logo and/or suitable graphics or stock photography, and new header images will be included with your theme.  You, or your graphic designer, will be able to replace those images at any time (via FTP to your site).

You will be contacted to discuss any options you may want included (additional Widget areas etc), colour variations, and payment details.

Back to Plug n Play Themes page to choose a Theme, or place an order below.

* indicates required field

I wish to purchase a Theme Template

(Theme only - supplied as zip, requires Wordpress 3.x installation)

(funds will need to clear before Theme is supplied or installed)









